
What Is The Creation Myth Of Free State Of Jones

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In the book Free State of Jones, Victoria Bynum bases her writings on historical facts of a small community in Jones County, Mississippi. Bynum describes how it was an “inner civil war” which a renegade farmer named Newton Knight led an “yeoman uprising”. Knight led this uprising because Confederates were being unruly and treated them as if they were underrated. Confederates and others felt they were above everyone and whoever did not meet their standards were pushed around and taken control of. In 1863 confederates killed Knight’s horses and mules, burned down his farm, then tied him and drove him to prison. After that, Knight and 200 other fellow renegades retreated into the swamps of Piney Woods which consisted of local people and slaves, …show more content…

Although the Emancipation Proclamation tore African Americans apart. Including a social class who involved race being above or below people. This goes with the Creation Myth. The Creation Myth stated that people of color were only slaves to the white, and they were not able to be treated differently than that. This was a big controversy because after the slaves were set to be let “free” they suffered a great deal. After they were emancipated faced many challenges. These challenges consisted of poverty, adversity, and vulnerability. Which lead to lack of money from no labor, inadequate shelter,and food rations. They also suffered from being different because they were black and in self-doubt because the Emancipation Proclamation left them to rot. In conclusion The Free State of Jones was an awe-inspiring book. Bynum displayed the disgusting portrayal of racism, miscegenation, and slavery. Although, Newton Knight did open people's views up, showing them that everyone is equal and no one is better than anyone else. He showed that people can work together no matter color or social class. His actions throughout the book brought a broader idea to certain things such as people needing to make decisions for their self and it’s good to work together. Yet, people based everything on status and color. Bynum describes to us what we all fail to realize is no one is better than anyone else and we all have flaws, but that is part of being

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