Atwood’s short story “Time Capsule on the Dead Planet” is a cautionary text about the effects of frivolous actions upon the natural world. While a thoughtless attitude can have devastating consequences on the natural world it is fundamentally the lack of concern for the negative repercussions of their actions and natural balance that causes ruin to the natural world. In her text Atwood demonstrates how a greedy attitude can cause significant damage to the natural environment. Furthermore, Atwood exemplifies the lack of care for our planet in the apathy displayed throughout its devastation. Finally, Atwood illustrates how disregarding mentality regarding natural balance can cause ruin to the natural world. Ultimately, although irresponsible …show more content…
In her text Atwood illustrates how greed causes significant damage to the environment as people began to worship it above all which led to “money [becoming] a god” and this meant that it was favoured above all and pursued as such. The result of revering money above all is that “all rivers ran with filth” as humanity continued to seek wealth and as a result of their greed leaving behind the environment in favour of this, we can see the aftermath of these actions in the “dry lakeshore..cairn” left behind by humanity as they discarded all for wealth and the environment became a desolate husk of what it once was. Through this Atwood exemplifies how a greedy attitude, putting it above all else, results in total devastation to the …show more content…
The first age is characterised by natural prosperity, this can be seen as the gods “were cruel and drank our blood, but they also gave us rain and sunshine” and it is illustrated in this that through natural balance there can be natural prosperity, however as the ages progress this natural balance becomes warped by the selfish desire of mankind as now instead of cruelty and rain and sunshine there are “feasts and famines[…]greed and hunger” demonstrating a twisted balance where not only one but neither outcome is desirable as a result of discarding the natural balance in favour of self-seeking ideals. Yet as the ages progress further this becomes even more apparent as this warped balance and disregard of natural balance causes destruction of the environment leaving “no land left to grow food” ,only deserts, caused by this lack of natural balance caused by desire to satisfy only oneself. Ultimately, this displays how the apathetic ideology towards natural balance can cause devastation to the natural