What Is The Impact Of 1940's Architecture In 1940

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Impact of 1940’s Architecture Many things happened during the 1940’s, World War II was taking place and this time the U.S. took part of it. Women had to step up and do the work of the men as well as their daily duties. Fashion had a big change due to war, fabric was rationed which caused women to make shorter skirts. It gave them leeway allowing them to show more leg, which was something big being that it was looked down on women to show a lot of skin. A big change was the music, this decade was known as the Jazzy Forties. It brought new types of dance like bebop and swing. The second World War was occurred during this time period as you have read. At this time is when architecture received its biggest challenges, and accomplished many things. There were historical developments in techniques and the materials that they used. One of the challenges they faced was the growing population during and after the war. Homes were destroyed and architectures had to build big structures to house many of the …show more content…

One very popular figure was Frank Lloyd Wright. He changed the view of architecture and brought innovative ideas to the table. The steel-frame skeleton structure had been in use for for the last five decades, yet it was popular with modern architecture and its progression in the forties. Also reinforced concrete was brought back, its misuse was fixed during this time and had a big impact on modern architecture that helped it achieve its new designs. The curved line became popular due to the new types of metals and alloys that were light then later incorporated with glass that was coming more into use. Insulation had a big impact since thick walls were no longer needed nor roofs, to keep in the heat or cold. International style was a style of geometric patterns, arches and beams as well as plywood and battened walls added to this new type of