What Is The Impact Of Eli Todd On Mental Health In The 1800's

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People find it intriguing how mental health was poorly treated in the 1800’s. They were abandoned, until Eli Todd came along. For example, Eli Todd has innovated mental health with better tactics. He treated them with care and compassion. After his late sister passed, he vowed to do his best for anyone suffering mentally, leading him to build the retreat with $300k. This retreat is the revolution that he is most famous for. Therefore, Eli Todd has made an impact on mental health today. He was a great activist. In the 19th century, Eli Todd founded one of the only mental hospitals in the US, a He has carried the torch in mental health, repelling the stigma and bullying that occured. Thanks to him, today mental health is more accessible, even including more options. After graduating in the private studies of medicine at Yale University, at only 14 …show more content…

For example, he knew how and where would be the most optimal placing for his building (The Doctor Who Treated the Insane), The Hartford Retreat in the 19th century. This helps us understand that not only is he a generous and knowledgeable guy, yet he cared for his patients like no other. It was said that he used especially gentle methods on his patients for this reason. Specializing in therapy, a one to one talk with the patient. (The Doctor who Treated the Insane). His sister who unfortunately died in the 18th century. The motivation that Eli Todd has for creating the retreat. Everyone has struggles, and Goodheart was merely representing that her fate was already sealed as well as her decision and that it is remarkable that he is now able to help others. Empathy was a major factor in this endeavor. He used it `effectively, using the patient's emotion to reconcile. (Lawrence B. Goodheart). He was never able to apply this empathy to himself, he isolated his own feelings. He did his best for his sister and the patients. Eli Todd made a lasting impression on