What Is The Importance Of Teaching The English Language

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Considering the role of the English language as the most important language in our world nowadays and the multiple benefits of speaking it, the aim of this research is to analyse and demonstrate the importance of teaching the English language to children and to investigate what is the opinion of the parents about the most important factors during this learning process and propose psychopedagogical measures to improve this process. It was hypothesized that the learning process is carried out in an easier and faster way during childhood as it is more relaxed and less conscious, that is, spontaneous. Therefore, a number of thirty parents of students between eight and twelve years old from an English academy in Castellón, Valencia, agreed to participate and completed some questionnaires about this topic. The results reveal the fact that parents have some expectations of their children that can both help or have a negative influence on the learners, in case they are not promoted properly. It was observed that the process of teaching and learning a foreign language nowadays needs to be improved. For this reason, a psychoeducational work was proposed, with the possibility of argument among students, their parents and also, among the private centres and schools.

TÍTULO: La importancia de enseñar inglés a niños: medidas psicopedagógicas para mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del inglés.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Inglés, adquisición lengua