What Is The Most Significant Factors Influencing The Apparel Manufacturing Industry

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In society ones appearance means a great deal, which is why it is no surprise that Apparel Manufacturing is one of the oldest and largest industries in the world. The Census Bureau divides the manufacturing sector into twenty-one subsectors, and the Apparel Manufacturing Industry is section 315. Section 315 has global revenue of about 620 billion dollars and an annual growth rate of 0.4%. With about 180,535 businesses the industry of apparel manufacturing is continuing to grow. Apparel Manufacturing is buyer driven and with the constant changes in weather and style, there are always customers. Since the same thing one wore in summer is not the same as they wear in winter, manufacturers are constantly coming up with new lines for every season, and now it is even easier for consumers to purchase these goods. Online shopping and advertising is quickly replacing malls and outlets. The …show more content…

By bringing the labor-intensive work overseas, manufacturers are able to decrease the amount of wages their employers receive, which cuts the over all costs involved in manufacturing. Unlike these places, in the United States most states have a state mandated minimum wage and laws against child labor. Because of stricter laws in the United States they are weak compared to over seas competitors. North Asia accounts for the largest market share in the industry at about 55%. Having over half the market share of Apparel Manufacturing makes them a strong competitor. That being said, the Apparel Manufacturing industry is strictly, regulated by trade policies and rules. Free trade agreements such as the, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the Trans- Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, enforce environmental standards and stricter labor laws, which can protect domestic companies in the competitive

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