Essay On Billy Pilgrim's Slaughterhouse Five

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Most of us will never have to experience the horrors of war like the author of slaughterhouse five had to. But that does not mean that we should not be informed and know the truth about what it is like. Since most people will never go to war we need to read books like slaughterhouse five to know what it 's truly like. Some people and school boards have tried to ban this book because they believe that it is inappropriate for young teens to read, Teens must be exposed to this kind of literature so that they will not be naive to the cruelty of war. Slaughterhouse Five does not hold back with the gory imagery, and that is partly the reason why it has been disputed. The fact of the matter is that, that kind of imagery is necessary so that the reader can get some kind of sense, even if it is not first hand knowledge of some of the things that happen in war. The kind of things that the government and most people will not tell you about because it does not fit their agenda and it would make war seem less like the kind of adventure they like to portray it as. In the beginning of the book, Billy Pilgrim, the main character believed that to be truth, that war was …show more content…

The author is portraying some of his own struggles with PTSD through the character Billy Pilgrim. Billy is so messed up that he believes he can see in four dimensions, that he frequently time travels and that aliens take him to another planet that nobody else knows about on a regular basis. Billy gets very emotional and he refuses not to look at his mother because “she upset billy simply by being his mother. She made him feel embarrassed an ungrateful an weak because she had gone through so much trouble to give him life and keep him alive and Billy didn 't really like life at all.” This is a good example of the effects that PTSD has on Billy. He is clearly suicidal and clinically depressed, as a direct result from the