What Is The SHRM Code Of Ethical And Professional Standards In Health Care

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Subsequent to reading the SHRM Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management, three of the code provisions stood out to me that apply to the company I currently work for. My current occupation is with a hospital based physician group with Holy Cross Hospital. Overall, they are a great company and adhere to many of these code provisions, however the ones that they stand out in are Professional Responsibility and Use of Information. One of their weak areas of the provisions would be in Conflicts of Interest. I believe with some improvements and implementations they can strengthen this frail area to help them become exceptional. Holy Cross Medical Group upholds many of the provisions of Professional Responsibility. One of the main things that they do well is uphold and comply with the Law. In the medical field, there are various types of laws, rules and regulations that need to followed. One of the most commonly known laws is the HIPAA Laws (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). These Laws must be upheld and this company does just that. Additionally, the rules and regulations are constantly changing in the healthcare industry making it more complex to …show more content…

They go about undertaking this provision very respectfully and truthfully. In the medical field, there is an abundance of information that needs to be kept secure. By "safeguarding restricted or confidential information" (Bohlander, Snell, & Morris, 2016, p. 31) they successfully protect all information. In addition, they "maintain current and accurate HR information" (Bohlander, Snell, & Morris, 2016, p. 31) by being consistent with updating the policies yearly as well as researching monthly and staying up to date on the rules and regulations. This comforts employees and gives them peace of mind. Holy Cross Medical Group appropriately and accurately uses information revealing the strong trust the organization has

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