What Is The Theme Of Don T Just Stand There By Diane Cole

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Diane Cole believes when dealing with racial slurs or offensive ethnic jokes, it is best to speak up. Miss Cole shows these beliefs in her essay called "Don't Just Stand There". Miss Cole believes it is best to do it in a private and calm atmosphere. Even though lashing out and responding with anger is most people's initial reaction. Lashing out is normally ineffective and does not solve the problem, according to Miss Cole. Another thing Miss Cole believes is effective is making sure the slur or joke was heard correctly and the intent is correctly understood . This let's the person who was offended give the offender the benefit of the doubt in case the words were hear incorrectly. If these slurs or jokes happen in a work environment Miss Cole …show more content…

Normally people's first reaction is to freeze up. People think nothing they do or say will change the offender's behavior. However, if someone does not speak up these slurs and jokes can poison the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is poisoned people will begin to accept the slurs and jokes. People worry about ruining the night or being judged for saying something, but personally the night is already ruined and if the people truly care about you they will support you and not judge. If the offender keeps hearing from people that the slur and jokes are offensive over and over again they will be more apt to change their behavior. If nothing is said the offender might not ever realize that they are being offensive. They will then continue on and people will continue on because of them and eventually there is no line of what is offensive and what is not …show more content…

If done in an anger way or in public the efforts might cause the opposite of what was wanted. Lashing out in anger only gives momentarily satisfaction. Later on, people will feel as if nothing was done which means there effort had not benefits to it. Sometimes this will also bring people to the offenders level , which is what people are trying to prevent not cause. If people respond with lashing out and anger it is more possible for a physical fight or aggression might occur. When people lash out with anger they are often labeled as too sensitive and people will dismiss them and their opinions sometimes. The offender also might not have meant it in the way it was taken. Therefore , if they are publicly shammed and did not mean to or realize what they did was offensive this might cause the opposite effect that was