What Is The Theme Of The Other Conquest La Otra Conquista

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The Other Conquest, La Otra Conquista The film The Other Conquest is a drama about the aftermath of the 1520’s Spanish Conquest of Mexico told from the perspective of the indigenous Aztec people. It explores social, religious, and psychological changes that brought the historical process of colonization that both defined the South American continent and highly reminds us of today’s neocolonialism. In the film created by Salvador Carrasco, he tells us the story of the oppressed Aztecs by the Spanish conquistadors. The film leads to a social and religious understanding by two of the main characters Topiltzin (a native Aztec) and Fray Diego, (a friar in Catholicism). Together, both characters form a bond and that lets for the two different cultures …show more content…

He is in comparison to another historical individual. For example, in the movie the Friar's statement is "Preach by example!" which reminds us of the philosophy of Bartolome de las Casas. He is the Spanish Dominican priest in the movie seen as Fray Diego. Las Casas witnessed the Spanish killings of Native Americans depicted in the movie by Capitan Cristóbal who eventually came to his senses to finally disagree these violent methods of colonization. Las Casas was a man who believed in the powers of God's word and that the indigenous were not evil despite their rituals of human sacrifice. Which is also seen in the film. It is important to notice all of the differences between Las Casas and Fray Diego in The Other Conquest. Las Casas is a man who depicted the indigenous as good people despite their religion that he believed needed a switch, while Fray Diego, though was only concerned with the conversion to Catholicism at first, it caused the value of his own faith. Las Casas had an abundance of faith in the power of God and was able to stand up for his beliefs on behalf of a kingdom that was heavily ruined. His idea that followers from the Church aren't held accountable for the right or wrong of others theme that. In the Gospel of Matthew, it is clearly stated. It was not clearly represented in the relationships between Europeans and the indigenous that we've observed through the film. Portrayal of the Spanish with religious …show more content…

In this situation the higher power is specifically female. She starts out as Tonantzin Mother Goddess of the Aztec religion. She is a figure that the main character Topiltzin who is the ultamite keeper of balancing his own world. Once the Aztecs are taken over and forced to into a European lifestyle, Topiltzin goes through a phase in time when he sees the mix of both the Mother Goddess of the Aztecs and the Virgin Mary of the Spaniards. This fusion depicts the message that two different cultures and religions can have a joint belief system. When Topiltzin's cries "Mother!" he sees the grief that the Spaniards have done to the Mayor of Tenochtitlan. It goes to show that the sight of the Goddess is nothing but a stone statue in a cave but finds comfort that is felt by the people that believe in her. New beginnings are a desire to connect to the new religious belief system, to adapt to the new political and social structures, and the overall new lifestyle. However, the old ways of life cannot be forgotten because they are tied to memories and a host of other emotions. The old ways of life will never be forgotten because they are tied to the history of the previous life, the history that their ancestors fought so hard to preserve. Once Topiltzin carries past this stage of rebellion,