What Is The Theory's Basis Data Scientific?

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Is the Theory’s Basis Data Scientific? It is important for a theories basis data to be scientific. If its basis data isn’t scientific, then the data wasn’t collected using scientific procedures and that isn’t something you want in a field of science. Luckily, the Social-Cognitive and Cognitive Approaches basis data is scientific. The two main theorists of the Social-Cognitive Approach, Bandura and Mischel, didn’t differ much in the respective theories. But they both collected their data from direct observation, self-monitoring, and observation by others. The potential issue with their collection methods is the self-monitoring. What is to stop someone from putting what they think they did over what they actually did. Hopefully the observation …show more content…

Which is good news for both the theorists of the Social-Cognitive and Cognitive Approaches. With Bandura, you have Reciprocal Determinism, which has three factors that are constantly affecting each other. While on the other hand you have Mischel and his Cognitive-Affective Processing System, which is similar to Banduras Reciprocal Determinism, except instead of just the three factors interacting with one another, the factors in those factors are constantly interacting with one another. Bandura and Mischel’s theories are …show more content…

Bandura’s theory covers individual differences, gender differences, social aspects, and of course cognitive aspects. But the only thing that he didn’t cover was the biological aspect of personality. Mischel is, as with almost everything else, very similar to Bandura. Mischel cover individual differences, gender differences, cognitive aspects, social aspects, but not biological aspects. And last, but not least, you have Kelly, and other cognitive theorists, who covers individual differences, gender differences, cognitive aspects, social aspects, but not biological aspects. As such, they are all comprehensive, but not

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