What Is The Third Of May Of 1808 By Francisco Goya Essay

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Francisco Goya, one of the most famous and recognized Spain artists of all times. His work is known all over the world and one of his most significant paintings in art history is called Third of May of 1808 also known as El tres de mayo de 1808 en Madrid . This painting defined his style and showed to the world the techniques he was using throughout his life as an artist. However, everyone knows too much about this painting, so that is a major reason for me to not talk about it. On the other hand, the second of May of 1808 is a painting that was produced by Goya in the year of 1814 and not everyone is really familiarized with this beautiful and strong piece of art. Before getting to talk about Goya’s paintings’ I think there’s a few things we all must know first about him; He was born in the village of Fuendetodos in Aragon, which is a place Located in northeastern Spain. Goya had traveled around Spain and suddenly moved to Italy at the age of 14 to study art. When he was a little younger, he remained in Madrid during a long period of time. Goya`s paintings are under the …show more content…

Second of May 1808 was created to talk by itself. Goya`s uses colors that characterize both Spanish and French combatants; The clothing, which appears to be a mixture of high class and low class executed in dark tones for characters in the background, and bright colors for those in the front of the painting . Although he uses repetitions of color, the angels he used provide us with a strong feeling of diagonals. The main light source seems to be coming from the front part of the painting and the use of gold in part of the clothing reminds me of previous art movements, as an illustration, the Baroque period. This period of time also included a lot of gold on its most significant and representatives’ pieces, as well as in the

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