Often, we discredit women for being hardworking & talented individuals. From top cooperation in America to professional sports women tend to be looked at in a dull and uninspiring manner. Women in sports are one of the major topics when it comes to the unfairness and inequality when it comes to comparing men & women. The establishment of Title IX was set out to put men & women on a sort of playing field when it came to collegiate sports. In the mist of setting rules, regulations and policies Title IX still put a division between the women’s and men’s games. So, is the establishment of Title IX effective to women in sports, does the document promote and establish equality to the women, and are women less talented considering the comparison? …show more content…
On June 23, 1972, the president signed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 into the law. Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination based on gender in any federally funded education program or activity (Web). The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices (Turner). Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions, to all aspects of federally funded education programs or activities. In addition to traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary and secondary schools. Title IX applies to any education or training program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance (Web). The Department of Education has strict guideline on the requirements of Title IX. The Title IX common rule covers education program donors and recipients that are funded by other federal agencies. Despite prohibitions within Title IX and other laws against gender-based discrimination in interscholastic athletics among federally funded educational institutions, many female athletic programs face unfair treatment, which also is a reflection on given institution …show more content…
For instance, a male football player requires protective equipment such as a helmet and pads; where as a female volleyball player may not need as much. Title IX does allow for a deviation in the cost of the equipment if both the football and volleyball player received the same quality of equipment. However, a female basketball player must receive the same protective equipment that a male basketball player would receive, since the protective equipment is the same. With an individual sport having a team for both a men and women team, both are required to have the same quality of equipment. This is just one of the few aspects where Title IX is