How To Write An Essay On Women's Empowerment

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Introduction Women compose approximately half of the total human resources in our country. However, women are, the more poor and restricted than men as they are subjected to lots of socioeconomic and social constraint. The situation is more cruel in the rural and backward zones, which need to be empowered. Therefore, various government and non government organization are involved in women 's empowerment activities. Women empowerment pass on to an increase in the strength of women such as religious, political, community and economic. The most common definition of “Women 's Empowerment” is the ability to eliminate full power over one 's actions. Thus, women empowerment occurs in the reality when women attain increased power and sharing in decision making which leads to their improved access to resources it frequently involves the empowered increasing confidence level in their own capacity, as reported in Manonmani and Prabhakaran (2011). In 1985, the concept of Empowerment was introduced in an International Conference on Women in Nairobi. The conference theme of empowerment was a reorganization of social control and control of resources in the favor of women. It is “the process of challenging existing power relations and of gaining greater control over the sources of power”. …show more content…

NGOs were found as the best medium for organizing SHGs and make it as an efficient and effective system as much as possible. However, some NGOs follow their own methodology and not associated with NABARD. They are working independently as possible from exterior interfering. In these grounds, the study intends to understand the constitution and functioning of the sample SHGs. In order to study these aspects, both quantitative as well as qualitative methods were employed