What Makes Literature Advanced Placement Worth?

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What makes a piece of literature Advanced Placement worth? Easy, the literary piece must be beyond extraordinary; withstanding tests and trials, social orders, literary growth, and above all else the ever changing critics. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is in fact a book worthy of AP classes due to it being a widely refuted piece that protests social order and what is deemed acceptable in literature. There is a standard for those willing or able to take an AP course; the student must be equally extraordinary as the pieces that will be assessed, seeing as they are top of the class. Gulliver’s Travels has combated being placed on the banned book list to continually educate the newer, younger, more brilliant minds of today. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels appears to be an inappropriate book upon interpretation; however, he uses the tools of historical connections, satire, and literary devices to craft a novel that earns a well-earned placed on the Advanced Placement curriculum. The novel is a well kept journal by the main character Gulliver as he expands his knowledge and exploration of the world. Traveling …show more content…

Instead of keeping with the “my country is great” act, he turns it into a hatred of people. Swift given Gulliver a new found hatred for the people of Europe because they are heathens, infallible, and disgusting to him. The irony come from the fact he had spent the last few months with talking horses who are now the pinnacle of perfection. Even the diction of the book takes a twist in becoming more towards the idea of abandoning humanity; “debauched”, “antipathy”, and “aversion”. The culture of the time Swift wrote this book insinuates the idea that Europeans hated anyone different and either adopted their ways or forced them to drop them. Gulliver just tends to hate the old ways and people because they are inferior to those he has met along his