What Problem Areas In Their Life Might This Student Be Able To Have Some Control Over?

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F. What problem areas in their life might this student be able to have some control over?
Much of Nick’s problem areas in his life are not what I would consider areas that he can control without support from others right now. His age, 6 years old, means that he relies more on the modeling and direction of others right now. Overall, Nick is not a student that is a problem of any kind with behavior within the classroom. His movement and inability to remain quiet and still are very much out of his control at this point. He mostly follows all directions given to him and makes good choices for the most part. However, without a bigger support, Nick will have a hard time understanding that there are different choices that can be made and that our …show more content…

This could be assigning him a task each week, such a pencil sharpener or lunch book monitor, to give him something to achieve each week. Another task would be to implement more art and drawing into assignments and have students share their work with one another. Also displaying work in the hallway with names above would be wonderful too. Another option would be to have Nick help to demonstrate how he spells to students, as many are not attempting it as of yet. Within the school, he could be given the task to help with recycling school-wide or help out in the library, aid the art teacher with students while they work on their drawings, or create a dance with the music teacher to along with the song that they are singing that …show more content…

The focus of these two goals focus on getting Nick to complete his work:
• Complete one-step directions with no re-direction while working on short tasks with 80% accuracy.
• Complete multi-step directions with two redirections. Accuracy is not the focus for this goal, just the completion of the directions are.
One that I might use to help with interruption or blurting out answers is:
• During group activities, Nick will raise his hand 50% of the time to participate.
I. What caring adults are available in the student’s life.
Caring adults in Nick’s life are his teacher, his mother, his father, and his grandmother.
J. How do caring adults understand student situation?
His teacher is concerned that there is more support that he needs and that she will not be able to meet all of his learning needs on her own. She has spoken with his mother, who is also concerned with his attention/focus and that he does not always seem to be engaged with her during times of interaction. However, all of the adults in Nick’s life are working to support him as best they can and are working together with the teacher to do what is best for