What Really Happened To Bastug's Farenheit 451

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Bergess was a beautiful city in Bastug's eyes. Most people wouldn't agree with him but to Bastug, the city was something special. It was so alive. He had never seen anything of the like. Narrow, dirty streets, tall buildings, people bustling around even in the night. He loved that he could disappear into the crowd so easily. He loved that the buildings were so close to each other, that you could jump from one rooftop to the other. Even the nobles didn't have too spacious holdings: since space was at a premium, they were forced to expand their holdings upward, not outward. And continuously building upward often meant flat rooftops. Bergess was the perfect city for Bastug's profession as an assassin. The incredible amount of people meant that …show more content…

It was a good thing, because they left behind a power vacuum. Other bands were gaining new territories, among them the Bloody Fangs. Bastug had arrived to Bergess 3 years ago. It wasn't long before the leader of the Bloody Fangs approached him with the offer to join their ranks. They were a small gang back then, but the leader was a Player, which promised greatness. Bastug hated Players - they had so many easily-gained, unfair advantages that it was an insult to Bastug's hard-earned skills - but this Player made a good impression on him. She wasn't boasting with her skills, for one. She came to meet him in person. And, most importantly, she was a woman with an amazing body. So he accepted. This was how, 3 years later, Bastug found himself crouching in a dark alley, looking like a homeless person. The Bloody Fangs have taken this district after the fall of Red Ravens, but for the last few weeks, their operations were constantly interrupted and sabotaged. Boss has gleaned the information that it was a small band of Players who were crossing them. It was time to teach them a lesson, but first, Boss needed to know more about …show more content…

Bastug wondered. He didn't really know him, but from what he could remember, the man was usually rather gruff and grumpy. How did being a prisoner loosen his tongue? "What was your name, again?" Bastug asked. "Ah. It's Dramm. I know, we din't have much time fo' the get-to-know-ya before," he said. "Dramm. Did you learn anything useful about the Shades?" "Well, I din't see them," he said, "but in mah off-hours, I asked around. Discretely, o' course." Bastug had to fight his emotions for his expression to remain calm. Asked around? Asked around?! How did the fatty think that would be a good idea? Maybe he was the reason the Shades got a sniff that someone was spying on them! Goddamn imbeciles everywhere! If they managed to escape, he was going to have Boss flay this fat fuck alive. "So, ya see, I got me a bunch o' rumors," Dramm continued. "It is said that they are invisible, that no man can see 'em, not unless they stand in the moon's shine!" He turned his voice lower, whispering as if this was all a great secret. "They also say, that them eyes glow like the different colors o' the

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