
What Role Did Queen Elizabeth Play In The American Colonies

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Queen Elizabeth also advanced England’s economy, mostly by engaging in a wider world market. Under her rule, two of the most famous British trading monopolies developed: The Levant Company and the British East India Company. The Levant Company traded in the Ottoman Empire, and rivaled and surpassed the Dutch tea trade companies, boosting the English economy. The goal of the British East India Company was to control spice trade with the East Indies and eliminate any competition with the Spanish and Portuguese companies. British merchants sailed to the Far East and the Ottoman Empire to gather spices for tea and seasoning and quickly made successful trade businesses that contributed to the growing English economy. England also found economic …show more content…

However, growing imports to the country required more exports from the country as well to avoid a trade deficit. Fortunately, colonies in the Americas helped to produce essential resources, such as cotton, rice, and other valuable cash crops, used for both English exports and domestic use. Slaves in American colonies helped to boost the English economy by efficiently producing more of these goods, especially harvesting cotton and tobacco, with lower costs. However, one drawback was that American slavery was uniquely associated with race, and racism later became an issue throughout history that continues to be a problem today (Royal Museums Greenwich). The world trade network created by Queen Elizabeth aided in the creation of ties between the English empire and other parts of the world. Trade also factored into the creation of alliances in times of conflict, but could be responsible for inducing wars due to competition for resources and trade …show more content…

Spain and England, the two main rivals in sixteenth century Europe, constantly fought with each other. When England defeated Spain in the Spanish Armada, the English empire became more powerful because of the lack of competition. The two nations had contrasting approaches to foreign policy; King Philip II of Spain incorporated religion as rationale in his foreign policy, while Elizabeth aimed to keep the Church separate. As a Catholic nation, Spain had become distrustful of England after Henry VIII’s divorce and excommunication; divorcing Catherine of Aragon (who was Spanish) cut off the marriage alliance between the two countries, and the King of England’s excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church strongly conflicted with Spain’s beliefs. Elizabeth’s religious policies did not help the situation either, as she not only supported a Protestant England, but also supported the Protestant rebellion against Spain in the Netherlands (Sommerville). In an attempt to create a new alliance between the countries (and to stop England from gaining power), King Philip II requested a marriage to Elizabeth, but he was denied. Although there is no definitive proof, this also could have added to the tension. The rivalry intensified after England became a threat to Spain’s economic gain, leading to violent conflicts and eventually the infamous battle in 1558 with the Spanish

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