
What Role Does Religion Play In History

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Ideas, individuals, knowledge, religion and other factors have played major role in shaping the world and society as we know it today. Ideas such as democracy in ancient Greece helped create a template for future societies to follow. Individuals such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Kahn and Adolf Hitler changed the world with war and conquering all in sight. Knowledge has toppled dynasties, changed the way we view ourselves in the universe, leading to medical breakthroughs allowing for longer life and weapons for taking life. Religion has brought billions of individuals together with shared faith and belief, but is one of leading causes of war and discrimination throughout history. However, one of the biggest factors in changing the events of history is something not created by human kind. This factor has …show more content…

Smallpox is a fast acting, highly contagious disease which can lead to death if untreated. With medical technology and techniques today death by Smallpox approximately happen in 30% of cases 1. The transmission of Smallpox is through direct contact with individuals or infected objects. Once infected, an individual will show symptoms of high fever, head and body aches, and in some cases vomiting1. However, the most well-known symptom associated with the diseases is the rash which ensues the early symptoms. The rash quickly turns into pus-filled blisters1. These blisters lead to scabs and approximately three weeks after the scabs fall of leaving scars in all areas where scabs were once located1. There have been no established treatments against smallpox. The best prevention against Smallpox is with the Smallpox vaccine which prevents an individual from being infected. However individuals who have been infected with Smallpox and survive are immune to reinfection of the disease. With the aggressive use of the Smallpox vaccine, the Smallpox virus was declared eradicated in

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