
What Role Should The Government Play In The Position Of Laissez Faires

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A laissez-faire outlook on the issue of what role the government should play in dealing with certain economic problems is that they should stand aisle and let market economy deal with it. This outlook take a strong stance on supporting things like privatization and a competitive market place. Laissez-faire believes that bailing out companies only creates a sort of snowball effect in producing continuous inefficient businesses. Even if this means businesses fail, it is acceptable because then others would replace those failed businesses and may have a chance of success without the assisted that the other business needed. This position emphasizes the individualism and competition in greatly influencing society and maximizing benefits. An interventionists …show more content…

There are things I agree within each and some things I disagree within each. A concepts I agree with in the Laissez-faire position is that bailing out certain companies and corporations will only allow inefficient business to continue and to not grow the economy positively. To become a more successful economic marketplace businesses continuously failing need to end for new, possibly successful business to begin. What I do not agree with is that the government should completely stand aisle and let the market economy handle it by themselves, in certain circumstances the government should step in and give assistance. A concept that I agree with as interventionists’ positions is that the global economy is far to influenced by corporations. Concepts I disagree with are that the public should have say in corporations decision making because not all of the public that would have available participation in this decision making would all have the same goal. For a successful corporations to achieve goals they needs a team of specific members that have the same end goal that best interest what that specific corporation is trying to achieve, not a bunch of sometimes uneducated people putting their unnecessary opinions into the decision making process. Another thing I disagree with in the interventionists position is the tax breaks for corporation just because they are trying to keep jobs in the United

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