What Should Be In Summer Programs Persuasive Essay

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I’ve always believed that museums are boring. But they are better than losing time on other things that don’t benefit your education. You lose many skills during the summer which the museums has some facts that you can learn. Children should be in summer programs because they won’t lose any skills during the summer. Teenagers can do the same but the main focus is children because their brains are barely developing to hold a lot of information. Summer programs will benefit not just children but parents that way instead of just paying for daycare they know their kid is learning. Summer isn’t about having fun and losing your skills but learning and maintaining those skill you learned for the upcoming school year. Kids think that summer is all about having fun without thinking about their education. They think we studied all year we are having a break. There are results that show evidence on summer being the time where learning loss is big. This can be stopped by making more summer programs and signing up the kids. There are about 2 months in summer which it’s enough to lose lots of skills and the way we can prevent it is taking our time to help kids. Without us they won’t be able to follow something they are too young to understand. Summer is meant to have fun but also focus on education because …show more content…

The things that you can do is not let them go out since it’s the best weather at the time. Parents will have to give time to their kids and put a pause to their jobs in order for kids not to lose their skills. Summer programs are everywhere in parks and sometimes schools offer them. There should be no excuse on kids losing skills over the summer because parents are busy working. In my opinion if I had a child, I would always be there for him/her and want the best for him/her which I will not accept any excuses from

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