What Was Gandhi's Contribution To The American Revolution Dbq

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There have been many people that have had major contributions to the world. Toussaint L'Ouverture and Mohandas Gandhi were some people that both had a large impact to their respective regions. In the case of Toussaint L'Ouverture he was a Haitian slave from the country of Haiti. He escaped in a sudden slave revolt. He was educated by his godfather Pierre Baptiste. During this period there was unrest due to the exploitation of the indigenous people. This period was also know for revolution prior to the haitian revolution there was also the american and french revolutions which inspired others to rebel against their mother country. Another leader that had major contributions was Mohandas Gandhi. He lived in a time of war, and during his time …show more content…

The revolution was called the Haitian revolution was a successful anti-slavery revolution. The immediate cause of the action of white settlers not giving rights to blacks. This was a direct order from france that was denied. This caused a revolt of the slaves. After overcoming the military force sent by the french. Hati drafted a constitution and declared independence (Doc 4). It was In The French colony of Saint Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804. It impacted the institution of slavery throughout the Americas. Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home. The main goal of Toussaint was to fight for freedom and equality (Doc …show more content…

For instance in the case of Gandhi he inspired many people that proceeded him to use the method of passive resistance to accomplish their goals. As an example passive resistance was used by both nelson mandela in apartheid. It was also used by Dr. Martin Luther king jr. in the civil rights movement. This showed that Gandhi’s teachings were used again in places where rights were being denied even after his passing.
Under Toussaint L'Ouverture’s leadership In 1804, Haiti became the first Latin American nation to gain independence, following a violent slave revolt led by Toussaint L'ouverture on the French colony of Saint-Domingue. The victors abolished slavery. Haitian independence inspired independence movements in Spanish America. This caused many of the other latin american colonies to revolt against their oppressive leaders. This changed the balance of power in the