
What Was The Causes Of The American Revolution

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After the Seven Year War, or the French and Indian War from 1754-1763, the Americas were more joined than any other time in recent memory. With the marking of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the British provinces interestingly, effectively guarded trespassers from their new countries. This brought an inconceivable feeling of solidarity between provinces, having won for Mother England. Be that as it may, inside around couple of years, the provinces requested their common conceived rights and opposed England. The marking of the Declaration of Independence, the states went from longing for solid relations with their European counter accomplices, to giving up their lives on the war zone for finish freedom. Just inside the time of that decade, the settlements convictions, objectives, needs, needs, and over all culture requested autonomy from the British Empire, their total …show more content…

The American Revolution was fueled by a growing number of citizens that had become educated, transformed into intellectuals. This was led through enlightenment of new social identities apart from the British Empire. Colonists learned concepts such as liberty, republicanism, and the fear of a corrupt England. As problems arises, both powers had different perspectives on the roles of each other. The British government believed it was the duty of the colonies to share the costs of the empire, no matter how far off they might be. The American perspective was to possess the same human rights as every individual in England and to have fair and uncorrupted representation. This proved to be a major issue when the Stamp Act was passed in 1765. American colonists were growing and

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