What Was This Learner Personal Theory Of Crime Causation

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Unit 1 DB 1 PSF8376 Theory of Crime Causation Introduction For this discussion board, we are asked to address three questions which are: Prior to taking this course, what was our personal theory of crime causation? Which of the theories introduced in this chapter come closest to your personal view? Were there any theories not explained that you would have preferred to see presented? Before taking this course, what was this learner personal theory of crime causation This learner view of what personal theory of crime causation was prior to this class where that just like crime changes, so does theories of the causation of crime. As most of us within the Public Safety field or the Criminal Justice field can relate to is that it has a …show more content…

9). Most societal scientists tend to address this with the term determinism, which tends to reflect their disdain for what is called genetic or biological determinism; but the environmental determinism tends to be considered within this view as the one that is perfectly acceptable. But, for the genetic determinism side, well it implies that our social conduct has a much more direct outcome when its programming is absent from any influence from the environment. Which according to Trudge (1999, p. 96) that this type of reasoning represents either mere rhetoric or simple ignorance: because no evolutionary psychologist, geneticist or neuroscientist will doubt that our gene are in constant exchange of ideas with our surroundings, which include the rest of our organism, and the world at …show more content…

We should never get comfortable with any one theory because they are always evolving. With that in mind, we should always keep an open mind to new theorist ideas or deductions for a theory, but also leave room to remember that since we are all human, that we will not all see, act the same way. Criminals, commit crimes for many different reasons, and in a way that is good, because we will always be employed, but if you are like this learner you might wish they would but the criminal justice and public safety field out of work or on a long vacation, but that is just wishful

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