Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion Of 1676

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Nathaniel Bacon was a settler of the Virginia colony, Virginia planter and the leader of the Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676. Nathaniel Bacon was born on January 2, 1647, to Thomas and Elizabeth Bacon in Suffolk, England. Bacon came from a rich family and, therefore, had the opportunity, and the financial backing, to have an exceptional education. Bacon arrived in Virginia in 1674 with both money and guidance to his benefit. Governor William Berkeley helped Bacon settle in Jamestown. Berkeley later offered Bacon a seat on the council. In 1676, Bacon’s rebellion began. The rebellion was a conflict between the wealthy planters of Virginia, like Bacon himself, and the Native Indians. Governor Sir William Berkeley, was a cruel and selfish man. He ruled the colony completely in his own welfares, keeping his subjects in deep poverty by unfair taxes and gaining profit from the fur trade with the Indians. The Indians, specifically the Doeg and the Susquehannock tribes, began to attack the settlers along the frontier. The Indians would raid livestock, steal food and supplies, attack farms, and sometimes murder settlers. To protect his profitable fur trade Berkeley did not …show more content…

Bacon and his men destroyed an Occaneechi village, killing men, women, and children. The Occaneechi had always been friendly to the settlers. Friendly enough to agree to fight against the Susquehannocks tribe. Governor Berkley believed that his actions would make the relationship with the Indians worse and also disrupt his fur trade. Bacon’s rebellion also occurred to question Berkeley’s rule as a governor. The colony had a disorganized political structure, and Berkeley also didn’t allow Bacon to be a part of the fur trade with the Native Indians. This helped to stimulate a widespread rebellion against Berkeley, who had unsuccessfully addressed the burdens of the