When Nature Heals In Richard Wagamese's Indian Horse

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Ever take a walk after a stressful day and feel a sense of calm? Many do not know it but being in, or even simply viewing nature has the power to heal the mind and body. Within the novel Indian Horse by renowned indigenous Canadian author Richard Wagamese, there are numerous instances of when he illustrates the healing power of nature and the connection humans have with it. This essay will discuss how nature heals, how Wagamese describes the connection between humans and nature, and some of the examples in the novel of when nature heals. So how does nature heal the body exactly? There’s two parts to this, firstly, the mental aspect. Studies have shown that viewing nature: “reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings.” By …show more content…

Benjamin finds his way back to his family though has been inflicted with tuberculosis. Saul’s grandmother, Naomi, upon realizing this declares to the rest of the group that they must go to God’s lake: “We needed to take Benjamin to a place where the air and the land could ease his spirit.”(Wagamese 17) Once they do arrive, Benjamin’s symptoms do seem to ease up, less coughing, less shortness of breath, he seems to be getting better. Until it all catches up again one night and he’s dead by morning. The land healed him to a degree to give him a less burdening last few days with his family. Near the end of the novel God’s lake once again shows nature's healing qualities. Saul goes back to God’s lake to reconcile, and when he walks along the shoreline, the land heals and soothes him: “The angst in my belly disappeared. My thoughts cleared. I walked in a peace I could not recall having experienced before.” (Wagamese 204). Saul, now knowing what he must do to heal, revisits his homeland, and the land helps to heal him by momentarily ridding him of the frustrations that have been inside him for years for a moment of clarity. With Benjamin experiencing less pain and symptoms, and Saul having lower stress levels and not-so-clouded thoughts, it is clear to see that nature does a fairly good job of healing those in need of