Whig Swot Analysis

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There were three political groups: Jacksonians, Whigs and neutrals. The Jacksonian group were democrats, the supporters were usually artisans, laborers and small farmers. They wanted the local businesses to flourish and to detach from Europe. On the other hand, Whigs were the merchants and wealthy people, who came together as a result of their shared hatred of Jackson. The leader of the Whig organization, Henry Clay, tried to persuade the people that if the easterners would help build and pay for the transportation of the products, that the westerners would support the tariffs on the products. He did not agree with Jackson when he declined the Bank of the United States being that the bank would stabilize the economy, aid the production of roads and canals and smaller businesses. When the Erie Canal was completed, countless minor farmers (mid-westerners) began taking in more profit as the result of a direct route to New York. Majority of Whig supporters where closer to heavily used canals or roads, the isolated areas voted for the …show more content…

When they did not generate as much as they thought they would, they turned to religion. Finney 's Revivals are believers that you can overcome sin, his followers treated him like a movie star and he enlarged multiple congregations through his speaking. The Mormons’ founder, Joseph Smith, spoke to an angel that told him to “restore Christ’s church”(MAP) and later communicated that there were gold plates that, later translated by Smith with his magical lenses, formed their “bible”. Antimasonry created my William Seward and Thurlow Weeds were the third party and were people who were against the ways of Freemasons. Utopian Communities or Shakers, who believed that people should not marry and have intercourse, they viewed it as a sin. All of the groups came from the “Burned-Over District” and traveled to the New York