White Fang Quotes

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Laws and traditions have been apart of society since the dawn of its inception, but are laws needed to maintain order and integrity in a community? Two books that address this issue directly, Nehemiah, and White Fang by Jack London, are the basis for the beliefs and opinions expressed throughout this paper. White Fang by Jack London will be analyzed first for answers to tradition and laws role or lack thereof in maintaining communities integrity, then I will address the same issues in regards to the bible scripture Nehemiah. Laws and traditions are not essential to maintaining order and integrity in a community. The novel White Fang by Jack London shows us the negative implications that law can have on the minority and the weak. For example on page 74, “White Fang knew the law well: to oppress the weak and obey the strong”(London 74). This quote shows us a law that is only beneficial for few and not for the greater good of the community. To understand the implications of such law, on page 75 we are shown who the power is vested in, “He was monstrous tyrant. His mastery was as rigid as …show more content…

This is shown in Nehemiah 7, “These are the people of the province who came up from captivity of the exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had taken captive” (Unknown 7). These captive exiles from the Babylonian empire included; priests, musicians, and descendants of families who Nebuchadnezzar did not approve of. This shows us that laws and traditions, if flawed, can open the door to the exile of people who are labeled as different or troublesome. Thus the king of Babylon was involving himself in making laws that exiled opponents, and the descendants of families whom he felt held no merit. Nehemiah shows us the negativity that can directly result from laws and traditions, including the exile or exclusion of some in a

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