
White Supremacy Definition

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End to White Supremacy

Racial discrimination and oppression both exists in the United States which limits non-Europeans to not be able to reach their full potential and strive in this horrid country due to the worst doctrine in American history: white supremacy. Throughout all history, non-Europeans have suffered from lack of equal rights and opportunity due to discrimination. White supremacy organizations have been made with the motive of terrorizing non-whites, as well as, caused environments to become hostile for mostly African Americans. Therefore, the ideology of white supremacy ought to be banned from the United States.

White Supremacy (noun): the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially …show more content…

Tolson, Tolson states, “White supremacy became pronounced and was institutionalized after the National Party was voted into power in 1948 and subsequently created apartheid.” Although whites were the minority, apartheid allowed the whites to overpower the majority which were blacks. The American Nazi Party and Aryan Nation both were formed in order to revolt from the actions of the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Both organizations were firm believers of whites being “intellectually, ethically, and spiritually superior to Jews and people of color.” (275) Many white supremacist began to look for religious perspectives for their “hatred” for Jews and people of color.

Throughout the United States in the 1890s, white supremacy became legalized and given the name “Jim Crow Segregation.” (274) In the Southern states, blacks were forced to be segregated from whites till the civil rights movement in the 1950s through the 1960s. (274) In the mid-1800s, a white supremacist organization, Ku Klux Klan, better known as the KKK, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee by some Confederate Civil War veterans. The Klan’s motive consisted of “the domination of African Americans” which involved whipping, lynching, and murdering blacks. (Tolson …show more content…

Casey, Shannon K. McManimon, Brian D. Lozenski, and Timothy J. Lensmire, a study of “whiteness a psychological wages” by W. E. B. Du Bois states that blacks were paid lower wages than white workers although whites were “impoverished and working for meager wages… they were able to escape some of the restrictions of class through the racial structure.” Many white workers gained the benefits of whiteness such as rights to vote, better quality schools, and a “public deference.” Du Bois continues to state, “Nevertheless, this black proletariat is not part of the white proletariat” followed by “It is white labor that deprives the Negro of his right to vote, denies him education, denies him affiliation with trade unions, expels him from decent houses and neighborhoods, heaps upon him the public insults of open color discrimination.”

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