Who Is Andrew Jackson Dbq

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Andrew Jackson- (1767-1845) The 7th president of the United and the first democrat in office. He was elected by popular vote and served two terms from 1829 to1837. Jackson was the first elected man from Tennessee and was often referred to as a statesman who represented the common man. In 1832, A political movement called the Jacksonian Demonocracy extended voter rights to men without land ownership. Jackson also vetoed the bill to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States. He believed a bank with too much power and could ruin the country financially. The Trail of Tears-The Indian removal act of 1830 passed by Andrew Jackson while he was still in office is. Around 125,000 Native Americans lived in southern states with fertile land, white settlers wanted the land to farm cotton, so settlers allowed the Federal government to force migration of the Native American population. 15,000 Native Americans faced hardships like hunger and disease as they were forced to walk thousands of miles to designated Indian territory across the Mississippi River. The trail of tears is believed …show more content…

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The Kansas-Nebraska let to Bleeding Kansas. Monroe Doctrine 1823 which created separate spheres of European and American influence. The United States promised to stay out of European business and told the Europeans to stay out its as well. European countries that interfere in America taken as acts of aggression. The Monroe Doctrine was propounded by President James Monroe in 1823. Monroe proposed that the US would oppose further colonization of North and South America by European powers but would not interfere in the affairs of existing