Who Is At Fault In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, Laila's actions ruined Mariam's life. Laila married Mariam's husband and caused Mariam to almost get beat multiple times. She convinced Mariam to run away from Rasheed and caused her to get beat, starved, and locked in a shed for 1-2 days. Laila also brought Tariq into the house, when Rasheed found out he almost killed Laila, which caused Mariam to kill Rasheed. Laila ruined Mariam’s life by tricking her husband into marriage and making Mariam feel neglected and almost beat a lot of the time. “I’ll go down and teach her a lesson. Who does she think she is, that Harami, treating you–” (229). Laila was upset about something going on and Rasheed instantly thought it was because of Mariam. …show more content…

Rasheed favorites Laila and his marriage over his and Mariam’s marriage and would do anything for Laila to make her feel better, even if she neglects Mariam. Laila convinces Mariam to run away and they end up getting sent back. When they got back, Rasheed was home and sent Laila and Aziza upstairs. “Downstairs, the beatings began” (268). When Laila and Aziza were locked in a room upstairs, Rasheed was chasing Mariam around and ended up beating her, nearly to death. He locked Mariam in the shed in their backyard and put boards over the door. He starved her of food and sunlight for days. If Laila didn’t try to make Mariam run away, she would’ve never gotten beat and thrown in a shed. Laila continues to ruin Mariam's life just because she can. Tariq shows up at Rasheed's house and Laila lets him in. Rasheed finds out and starts yelling at Laila, “So you let him in. Here is the link to the