
Who Is Grendel A Monster

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They think he is a monster. While it is true that he is of the bloodline of Cain, it has not always been that he has despised the people who live in the village. Not too long ago a man by the name of Widuc Pag died of old age. Widuc was the last person who remembered Grendel as a hero. Before Grendel was viewed as a monster, the townspeople loved him and protected him. Grendel used to help the men of the village catch fish by the sea, a skill only he had thanks to his abnormally large hands. He also used to help the women of the village by wrangling the children whenever they strayed too far from where they mother’s had told to play. Grendel helped all of the people in the village and never turned anyone down whenever they asked for something. …show more content…

Grendel was busy thatching a house for a new couple that had just moved from the neighboring village to his. Willibrord came on horseback accompanied by four other soldiers, also on horseback. In one hand he was clutching a large axe and with the other held a small burlap bag. The villagers paid no mind to Willibrord as many warriors passed through their town, normally seeking a bed and food. This soldier was no exception. Willibrord rode up to the unofficial leader of the village, Osgifu, and threw the sack at her. “I would like beds and showers for all of my men, woman. And do it quickly, we’re very tired from our long trip.” He said, not meeting eyes with her. Osgifu looked at Willibrord as if he had just smacked her with the sack. She opened the sack and saw that it was filled with gold and silver coins. She looked at the bag and then back at Willibrord. Slowly, she beckoned Grendel over. Grendel lay the straw thatching down and made his way over to where Osgifu was. Both the horses and the soldiers were taken aback. Grendel stood calmly by Osgifu, ignoring the looks of mild disgust and fear on the soldiers faces’. Willibrord lifted his axe and sneered, “Who is this beast and why has he not been

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