
Who Is Gutenberg's Printing Press Spread Across Europe?

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As Gutenberg’s printing press began to spread across Europe, Protestantism reached an all time high as it spread across Europe with it. As Gutenberg’s new printing press was created in 1450, many new innovations came and the spread of stories from religions was able to spread in a much faster way. The spread of the printing press and the spread of Protestantism were connected through the location of the two, the stories that were written, and the time they were in. As Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press spread throughout Europe, it spread with Protestantism, creating a connection between the two. First off, as seen in Map E, Protestantism was spread throughout Europe, touching every country, except for Italy. This shows that Europe was mixed …show more content…

As stated in the intro story, “Gutenberg printed 180 Bibles, each of them over 1800 pages long”. This reflects on the fact how Gutenberg focused his printing on religious texts. Now as you think about it, these religious texts could have also been supporting the Protestant religion. As more and more people gained a hand on these texts through the printing press, they were able to learn what Protestantism is and some may have even switched religions if they believed in it. Along with this, the printing press allowed for more of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses to be sold. These 95 Theses were posted by Luther on the front of church doors and it talked about the 95 things he did not like about the church. As more of these copies were sold, more and more people heard what Luther had to say, and he gained followers. Soon after, Luther created his own branch of Christianity, which protestantism through the name of Luther. Without these religious texts sold by Gutenberg, Protestantism would have spread at a slower rate, influencing the renaissance and maybe even the spread of these

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