
Who Is John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism

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Utilitarian theory This theory reveals that an act can only be considered to be ethical if its end result is happiness for the majority affected by that particular act, as per the point that the ultimate goal of human beings is to be happy. The person who came with this theory, John Stuart Mill calls it the greatest happiness principle. In order for a person to come to the conclusion that the majority will be happy with the outcome, it means that the practical outcome of an act must be looked at to determine such. When applying this theory in the state being captured by the Guptas family: the family will benefit from this, if they control or influence the state the decision taken will benefit them more. From doing so the family has built …show more content…

The president has fall out of favour by the people of the republic due the guptas scandal, his decisions to amend the members of the minster has cost the country a lot, falling to junk statues was at least of our worries. The fact that we have fallen down the ladder as being one of the top countries in Africa, it has cost us potential investment from other countries, the rand has weaken to its lowest level against major world currencies, inflation has stated to go up again and with the lack of investment and innovation in the country unemployment will not decline but rise once …show more content…

• Does it meet company standards? • Can it be disclosed? at the moment the is no law that state that the state should not be captured by any family, if it was the case than the guptas family would have gone to court since it will be illegal, however some people specify that it is unconstitutional. Therefore it is safe to assume that it is legal for the state to be captured by any family To view the fairness of the situation we must go back to the utilitarian theory were we identify the affected parties which is the country as a whole and the family alone, we also that the majority of people were unhappy of the decision so it was unfair to them and fair the family, it is not fair to all stakeholders since the republic is unhappy of the decision The standard that the state must display is according to the constitution, which govern everything in the republic. The constitution state that the state must independent make decision for the whole country not to make decision for the benefit of one family, the state being captured by the Guptas family does not meet the standards of the

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