Who Is Joseph In The Book Of Genesis

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You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Gen. 50:20). Realizing your purpose or what God promised you when you were born is difficult. Sometimes, God tests you in order to encourage you to be who you are meant to be. When you become who God intends for you to be, He establishes a covenant with you from which blessings will flow. The book of Genesis has many stories as such. An example of this is the story of Joseph, son of Jacob. In this story, God chooses the unlikely hero, Joseph to inherit His promise to Abraham by establishing the twelve tribes of Israel. Oftentimes, those who are meant for something greater are the least likely among us. Because Jacob loves Joseph the most out of all his …show more content…

Joseph sits in prison for thirteen years before getting the chance to show his gift. During this lowest point of his life, Joseph reflects on his life so far and can't understand why so many bad things have happened to him. One day, Joseph hears that pharaoh’s baker and butler keep having nightmares . He volunteers to interpret their dreams and asks the butler to tell pharaoh about him so that he can get out of prison. His interpretation of their dreams is accurate but the butler forgets about him and Joseph stays in prison for another two years. This time, pharaoh keeps having nightmares and the butler remembers Joseph and tells pharaoh that a man in prison can interpret dreams. After Joseph cleans himself up he goes to pharaoh to interpret his dream. “God has revealed to you what He's about to do. The seven cows and seven ears of corn mean seven years- seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine. Therefore, pharaoh should appoint overseers of the land to gather food so that the land may not perish.”(Gen. 25-36). Pharaoh accepts Joseph's answer and appoints him as second in command of