Who Is Macduff A Foil To Macbeth

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Macduff clearly emerges as a most significant foil to Macbeth since Macduff’s personality embodies loyalty to Scotland and its true king. Of course, Macduff also plays the central role of the nemesis who undermines all of Macbeth’s illusions. When Malcolm asserts that “black Macbeth / Will see as pure as snow” (IV.3.52-53), he tests Macduff’s fidelity. Macduff’s response regarding Macbeth as “a devil more damned / In evils” (IV.3.57-58) speaks to his role as a foil who highlights by contrasting Macbeth’s evil. When Malcolm questions Macduff about Malcolm’s suitability to govern, Macduff states, “Fit to govern/ No, not to live. O nation miserable! /. / When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again” (IV.3.102-105). This scene establishes Macduff’s