Who Is Martin Luther King Jr Letter To Birmingham Jail

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Dr. Martin Luther KingJr., played a pivotal role in ending segregation. King led many non-violent protests against it and took a lot of abuse for it. In spring of 1963 King organized a demonstration in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. The police came to disrupt the protest. They turned dogs and firehoses on the demonstrators. King and many of his supporters were thrown in jail. While in jail, he wrote a letter to the clergymen about his non-violent acts. First, King addresses their claim that he is an "...outsider coming in,” (King 2) to disturb life in Birmingham. King states that he was there because one of his friends invited him and his supporters to Birmingham to help battle injustice. Next he talks about the criticism from the clergymen …show more content…

King shares in his letter that he is there to fight injustice. “ But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here.” (King 3) There are many cases of injustice all over the world and over many periods of time. King got his idea of non-violent protests from Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi led the people of India into independence from the British by using non-violent acts. Both Dr. King and Gandhi have proven that non-violent acts can solve things. Our natural thinking when have been wronged is to fight back, but if we learn from people like Dr. King we can fight injustice without people getting hurt. The life that Dr. King chose wasn’t an easy one. He had to put up with a lot of abuse from many different people. Through all the ups and downs, King never gave up, never backed down, and always stood firm to what he believed in. He has inspired many people, back then and today, to stand firm to their beliefs no matter what gets in their …show more content…

King these protesters are fighting for something they strongly believe in. They have been pushed back my local police through violent acts, yet they remain strong in their fight for injustice. “In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: … determine whether injustice exists; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action.” (King 6). These acts are still used today to solve many problems like to on happening in Hong Kong. King is the only one who people take after today; the clergymen are a lot like bullies today. They put down other to build themselves up. The clergymen put down Dr. King and his supporters so they could be stronger. Because Dr. King never backed down segregation ended. If more people were like Dr. King, and stood up for what they believed in, then we would have a peaceful world without injustice. King had a hope for a peaceful future where no matter the color of your skin you could live in harmony with your neighbors. As we see today, King’s hope of a better life came true. The South is no longer segregated and blacks have just as many rights as whites. Although our world today is not perfect, we have come a lot further from segregation. King has taught us that injustice can be fought and overcome through peaceful