Who Is Responsible For The Tragedy In Kino's Family

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The pearl is responsible for the tragedy in Kino's family for many reasons. The first being the value of the pearl made people attack him for it, his House got burned down so people can get the pearl and everyone pressured him for the pearl. He was attacked because he wouldn’t give up the pearl and/or sell it, this made him leave the town and Coyotito got shot. His house got burned down so he had nowhere to go and people think he’s dead.
To begin, the pearl has a great value that is a target for thieves. The value of the pearl made Kino get attacked multiple times for it. Like Steinbeck stated “ “It will destroy us all,” Juana cried. “Even our son.””(39). Juana said that the pearl is destroying them and their son. Near the end of the book