
Who Is The Most Important Character In Of Mice And Men

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Lennie is the most important character in Of Mice and Men, author John Steinbeck made us understand that Lennie has a learning disability. The author often shows us how to take care of someone with a learning disability. Lennie operates as a 5-6-year-old, Lennie’s aunt Clara used to take care of him before George started taking care of him. George understands Lennie more than anyone he knows what he needs, and the constant attention that Lennie wants and needs. Nothing would be happening on the ranch without Lennie getting in trouble with Weed. At the beginning of the book, Lennie had to run away from their old town called Weed. Lennie loves to pet anything that is soft, there was a girl in weed that let him pet her dress she started screaming because Lennie wouldn’t let go. When it is in the moment Lennie is confused and doesn’t know what the best choice is to do. When George saw Lennie they started running to the bus that would take them to Soledad the bus driver lied to both of them and dropped them off 10 miles away from the ranch. They camped out a few miles from the ranch and planned to go to the ranch early in the morning. George told Lennie to return to the brush …show more content…

Lennie got picked on by the boss's son Curley and Lennie crushed his hand because Lennie doesn’t know how much strength and power he has when he is scared. Lennie stops and panics if he doesn’t do anything bad because he knows he won’t be able to “Tend the rabbits'' Lennie always wants to hear George's dream before they go to bed Lennie loves it so much but doesn’t like it if George doesn’t tell him. Lennie has been the most important person because everything Lennie does affects the other characters. When Lennie does anything that he thinks can be bad he thinks of two things “George isn’t gonna let me tend the rabbits' and “I did a bad thing do I need to go hide in the

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