
Who Is The Most Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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I think that Macbeth is most responsible for Macbeth’s downfall and the tragedy that happened throughout the play because of how he only thought about himself and became overly confident about what the witches and apparitions said to him. Macbeth only thought about himself because he says “the dangers that actually threaten me here and now frighten me less than the horrible I’m imagining”. (Act 1, Scene 3) This quote shows how he thought about murdering King Duncan so he can be the next King. Macbeth also did kill King Duncan with Lady Macbeth later on in the play showing that he would do anything to get what he wants. He also says “can you figure out what’s wrong with my country? If you can diagnose its disease by examining its urine, and bring it back to health”. Act 5, Scene 3. This quote shows how his wife was dying, but was only worrying …show more content…

Macbeth says “you were born of a woman”. Swords don't frighten me, he said. I laugh at any weapon used by a man who was born of a woman”. Act 5, Scene 7. This shows how Macbeth is overly confident that he won't be killed because the apparition told him no human born of women can kill him. This also shows how overly confident he got that he felt safe enough to kill Macduff’s family and not hire people like he did for Banquo’s death. Macbeth also states “ill raid Macduff's castle, seize the town of Fife, and kill his wife, his children, and anyone else unfortunate enough to stand in line for his inheritance”. Act 4, Scene 1). This shows how Macbeth will get rid of anyone who stands in his way and how he's tired of something waiting to happen. This also shows how he was corrupted by power and that he was willing to sacrifice anyone to get what he wanted. In conclusion, I think the lesson of Macbeth is that you shouldn't trust people's words and that even if things do go your way you shouldn't rush it and hurt people because in the end it will not be worth

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