
Who Is The Narrator In A & P By John Updike

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In John Updike’s short story, “A&P”, Updike develops Sammy as a sympathy, naïve worker who resigns his clerk position at the grocery store as a mere gesture to the three young girls. Simply to display this “heroinism” for them. In John Updike’s short story, “A&P,” Updike employs the first person point of view to convey Sammy as a foolish character, for this technique allows the reader to understand the true thoughts and intentions behind Sammy’s actions. Throughout the story, it is evident that Sammy’s decision to leave his job at the A&P is not a decision made out of bravery, but rather impetuousness and lack of forethought. For an example, it is clear that Sammy does not think of the girls as people that he must stand up for and defend, but rather, as objects and people to impress. This is exhibited when Sammy lustfully observes the girls and notes that one “never know[s] for sure how girls’ minds work,” questioning whether there is actually “a mind in there or just a little buzz” (Updike). Because he does not understand the girls, he assumes that there is nothing to understand and suggests that they are …show more content…

Sammy continuously refers to the customers as “sheep” and “house-slaves,” ridicules Stokesie for believing he will “be manager some sunny day,” and calls Lengel “dreary” (Updike). However, after Queenie speaks up after being reprimanded by Lengel, Sammy realizes she must think that “the crowd that runs the A&P,” which includes him, “must look pretty crummy” (Updike). Once he is aware that he is no different from these other people in the girls’ eyes, it is clear that his subsequent actions are meant to set himself apart rather than to genuinely support the girls out of nobleness of

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