Who Is The Sinner In The Scarlet Letter

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Sinner are forced to live with their sins for the rest of their lives, that is a moral consequence they must live with. Sin may not be affecting a person on the outside, but they will continue to feel its effect on the inside. Nathaniel Hawthorn 's The Scarlet Letter gives insight on how sin can affect a person without giving any outward appearance. This is shown when Reverend Dimmesdale becomes frail and dies because of the sin he had committed. Dimmesdale exclaims “God knows; and He is merciful! He hath proved his mercy, most of all, in my afflictions. By giving me this burning torture to bear upon my breast!”(Hawthorne page 179). Dimmesdale is dying because he kept his sin a secret and he couldn’t live with the sin anymore. It was not the