Who Is The Sixth Circle In Dante's Inferno

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Most people depict hell as a place consisting of lava and fire. Dante Alighieri had a different vision when he wrote The Inferno. Dante envisioned hell with nine circles in which you would end up in based on what sins you committed in life. The first circle of hell is limbo, where unbaptized citizens and virtuous pagans reside. The second circle of hell is where the lustful went. These circles are followed by circle three for Gluttony, circle four for the greedy, circle five for wrath, the sixth circle is for heresy, the seventh circle is made for the violent, the eighth circle is for those who committed an act of fraud, and lastly, the ninth circle of hell is where Satan lives and those who committed the sins of Treachery. Dante envisioned …show more content…

As mentioned before, he was Dante’s teacher and mentor. "In addition to his political activities, Latini worked as a teacher, training his students by having them copy translations of Pier Delle Vigne's letters. The most famous of his students was Dante Alighieri, who placed Latini (for reasons now unknown) among the Sodomites in Canto 15 of his Inferno." (Encyclopedia of World Writers) Latini was his teacher and trained him by having his students translate famous works of the time. Brunetto spent a large amount of his life fighting to be able to go back home. According to InfoBase, “Latini headed a diplomatic mission to seek help from Alfonso X of Spain. Unfortunately, Manfred’s army conquered Florence before Latini returned home, and for the next seven years, he lived in exile in France. After Manfred died in 1266, Latini returned to his native city, where he soon resumed his political career.” (Encyclopedia of World Writers) Latini had devoted years to finding help From Alfonso the tenth. Manfred’s army took control of Florence before Latini could come home therefore, he had to live in exile for years before coming home. Latini led a life of sadness and despair during this time and should not have been placed in hell for his life dedicated to helping and developing the minds of