Who Is To Blame For Cassia's Rising?

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“Once the Rising comes to power, we’ll all be able to choose” (Condie 16). Cassia and Ky have finally made it to the Rising and are now split up again for their jobs. Cassia is a sorter in the society and Ky is a pilot in Camas. Xander is also a medical official in the society. All of them are seeing signs that the Rising is coming and think it will be soon. Throughout their journeys the author will lead me to make a prediction about the rising, question an event, and visualize an exciting moment for Cassia.

I predict that the rebellion of the Rising is coming soon. One reason I think this is because when Xander was checking a patient in the society the patient had the plague disease. “Once the plague has made significant inroads into the general populace, and can no longer be concealed by the society, the Rising will begin” (Condie 15). Xander thinks it is coming because they cant control the outbreak of the disease; so many people have to be quarantined. Another reason I think this prediction could be true is because, Ky and Indie also thought the rising was beginning. Both Ky and indie were called for a drill in their planes but when they got there the plane was loaded with cargo. This made both of them think that it wasn’t a drill and that the Rising was starting. For all these reasons, I think this could be a valid prediction. …show more content…

Ky told Cassia that they could meet at the lake that night and she was really excited. “Ky said he’d meet me tonight, by the lake” (Condie 17). I think it could be a possibility that Ky and Cassia don’t get to meet because the officials came to tell Cassia she needed to come to do work that was unexpected. Another reason I think this is because Ky got assigned to a drill in the planes so now he is busy too. As can be seen, I believe that it could be a possibility that Ky and Cassia don’t get to