Who Is Victor's Motivation In Frankenstein

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American actress Belle Thorne said, “Everyone suffers some injustice in life, and what better motivation than to help others not suffer in the same way.” Throughout life, everyone will experience different traumatic events, whether it is the loss of a loved one, being isolated, or experiencing a terror act. In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein the creature experiences many hardships and changes that shape the character. The creature is abandoned right from creation, attacked, isolated, and then experiences trauma in the ending. It is an individual’s motivation that will dictate how the individual responds to life and its many hardships; one’s motivation may not always be the same, but may change with new experiences in life. One who is young, innocent and has a “thirst for knowledge”(Shelley 12) may do things out of the goodness of their heart to learn, even without understanding how the world works. Initially in Frankenstein the creature is curious, caring and confused with life. Having just been created and experiencing life for the first time he had his hands “stretched out”(35) towards Victor to feel. The creature was motivated to feel, to see, to live. However, Victor had rushed away from the being that he had created. This was the first experience that the …show more content…

He had made Victor a “slave”(122) and made himself Victor’s “master”(122). This was done by demanding Victor to build a female companion. The creature was motivated to make sure that this happened. He had stalked Victor, very rarely allowing him out of his sight. The creature made Victor’s life miserable in many ways, such as framing Justine for the murder of William, and following through with his threat to be with Victor on his “wedding night”(123), and killing Elizabeth. The creature’s motive had changed from searching for companionship, to putting Victor’s lives in ruin. Something that he was very successful in