Who Was Responsible For The Death Of Huckleberry Finn

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Huckleberry Finn’s most problematic lie was that he lies about his death because it frames Pap and Jim as his killer, it caused mourning for the Widow Douglas, and it led to Pap’s death. To begin with, because Huck faked his death, it framed Jim because it looked like he murdered Huck. If the lie was never told, it could have caused less stress and more safety for the runaway slave Jim. When Pap kidnaps Huck because he wasn’t giving him money, Huck escapes and fakes his own death so that Pap does not look for Huck. Since Jim runs away from his master that do for freedom it looks like Jim had killed Huck and ran away so that he would not be lynched. Twain states, “Before night they wanted to lynch him, but he was gone, you see. Well, next day they found out the slave was gone…” (Twain 59). Because of Huck’s lie it moves Jim even more wanted to arrest since he is a runaway slave and the public thinks Jim killed Huck. If Jim gets caught during their journey there is no chance of Jim living since Huck pretended to die. …show more content…

If the lie was never told Huck could have gone back to the Widow and live a normal life. Before being kidnapped Huck was sent to school and was taught manner by the Widow. But, Huck did not want to live like that and wanted to live in the wilderness so he chose to fake his death and live in the woods instead of with the Widow. Huck observes, “The widow she found out where I was by and by, and she sent a man over to try to get hold of me; but pap drove him off with the gun…” (Twain 26). Since Huck faked his death because he did not want to live a normal life he decided to live in the woods which caused grief for the Widow because he thought his adopted son had

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