
Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Who is the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo & Juliet?
I think Friar Lawrence is the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo & Juliet. Friar
Lawrence is the one who married Romeo & Juliet right after they just met. In the book, Friar says, “To turn your households’ rancor to pure love.” Friar Lawrence wanted to marry them because he thought their marriage could end the rivalry between The Capulets and The
Montagues, but that’s where everything turned around.
A couple of days after Romeo & Juliet got married, there was a fight on the streets of
Verona. Tybalt started the battle by attacking Mercutio. Romeo got in the way, trying to stop it, but it made it worse. Tybalt stroke Mercutio in the shoulder and Mercutio died. Romeo was furious and attacked Tybalt. Romeo then killed Tybalt and ran away to Lawrence’s cell before …show more content…

Juliet’s mother was crying for Tybalt and told Prince to execute Romeo but he didn’t agree because Tybalt killed Mercutio first. Prince decided to banish Romeo and have him never to return to Verona ever again.
After all the sad days grieving for Tybalt, Paris came to the Capulet’s house and talked to
Juliet’s father about marrying Juliet. In the book Paris says, “But now, my lord, what say you to my suit?” Lord Capulet agreed the marriage of Paris and Juliet and Capulet went to go tell Juliet the news. Juliet did not like the idea of marrying Paris, she said she’d rather eat rats than marry
Garza 2 him. Lord Capulet had said, “Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! I tell thee what get thee to church a Thursday or never after look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me!” Capulet said he was going to disown her if she didn’t marry him the next day. The nurse had told Juliet “I think you are happy in this second match, for it excels your first; or it

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