Rwanda Genocide Essay

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On the 6th of April 1994, Juvenal Habyarimana, the Hutu president who was on board his private jet, was assassinated when the jet was shot down near Kigali international Airport.1 The cause of the incident: Hutus blaming the Tutsis for killing the Hutu president, but it’s believed to be the presidents own supporters to orchestrate the attack. On April 7th, 1994, Rwanda started to report the first signs of genocide where the Hutus used radios to send out messages towards the Rwandan community.2 “Cockroaches”, and “Rats”, was such language used in propaganda to describe the Tutsis throughout Rwanda.3 Well over 800,000 Tutsis were murdered in the span of three months.4 The blame for the Rwandan genocide should not only be placed upon the United Nations and Hutus, but the Belgian government should be blamed for the genocide. The act of Belgians colonizing in 1918, to gain control among other western powers resulted in the loss of many innocent Tutsis lives. 5 …show more content…

Before Belgian colonists arrived in Rwanda, they found Rwanda to be efficiently governed and well run country made up of people who shared a common culture and religion. Belgian colonists ruined this peaceful country by using Rwanda to succeed the “Industrial Revolution”, because Rwanda offered cheap labour and raw materials. Belgian colonists knew if they were to gain control of Rwanda they had to separate Rwandan residents through identity isolation, so it was easier to strengthen Belgian

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