Who Works In A Hematology

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This paper will help others to understand what the hematology lab does and what part is play within the clinical laboratory. After reading this paper, people will be able to identify who works in a hematology lab, and what they do and why they do it. The reader will be able to understand why the hematologists who work within the lab run the tests that they perform and why and also why it is beneficial to patients for this lab to exist. Introduction The clinical laboratory is a place where tests and experiments take place. Within these clinical laboratories are many different departments that deal with or do certain tests and experiments. These departments include blood bank, chemistry, hematology, urinalysis, microbiology, pathology, phlebotomy, immunology, etc. The department that we will be exploring today is the hematology department. “Hema” is a Greek word meaning blood, and “ology” meaning study of, tells us that hematology is the study of blood cells. We will explore and learn who works in a hematology lab, what tests are run there, and what types of specimen are taken to test as well. Body …show more content…

People who generally work in a hematology lab are called a type of physician called hematologists. Hematologists usually possess a four year medical degree as well as additional experience within the hematology field. “Initially, hematologists complete a four-year medical degree and this is followed by three or four years in an internship or residency program.” (What, 2009). With the experience and knowledge gained, hematologists are able to determine the cause of blood diseases or disorders. They can also provide patients with treatment and care plans to either control or help cure these blood diseases or

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