Whole Foods Pest Analysis Essay

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PESTEL Analysis is a type of framework used by marketers and for monitoring macro-environment factors that have impact on organization. The environmental influences can be classified by source-that is, political, economic, social, technological, ecological, and legal factors, hence where “PESTEL analysis” came from or by proximity. This is the PESTEL Analysis used for Whole Foods Market to account for factors:

In October 2002, the USDA established the labeling standards for organic products, overriding both the patchwork of inconsistent state regulations for what could be labeled as organic and the different rules of some 43 agencies for certifying organic products
Content of Mackey postings was cited in court document …show more content…

Whole Foods’ rapid growth and market success had much to do with its having ‘remained a uniquely mission-driven company-highly selective about what we sell, dedicated to our core values and stringent quality standards, and committed to sustainable agriculture.
Gradually transform the diet of individuals in a manner that would help them live longer, healthier, more pleasurable lives.
Defined natural food as “a product containing no artificial ingredient or added color and that is minimally processed.”
Defined organic food as “special subset of the natural food category and had to be grown and processed. Organic foods included fresh fruits and veggies, meat and processed foods that had been produced using: 1) Agricultural Management practices; 2) Livestock management practices; 3) Food processing practices;
USDA’s labeling standards were intended to enable shoppers who were ingredient-conscious or wanted to buy pesticide-free or support sustainable agricultural practices to evaluate product labels on which the word organic